Privacy Policy
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The Software respects the privacy of every individual who visits our websites. This privacy statement provides notice of the standards and terms under which The Software protects the privacy of information supplied by visitors to sites on the World Wide Web that are owned and operated by The Software, including The Software and The Software. This privacy statement provides notice of our information collection practices and of the ways in which your information may be used. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically to review this information.
A. Personalmente-Identificabile Informatione:
The Software typically receives specific data about its website visitors only when such information is provided voluntarily, such as when our visitors request information, purchase or enroll for services, open a customer support inquiry ticket, provide resume information for employment opportunities, or send us e-mail. Of course, some of these activities require that you give us information, such as when you make a purchase, use a credit card to pay for services, submit your resume, or request certain types of information. When you provide personally- identifiable information to The Software through one of our websites, it will be used to fulfill your specific request. In most cases, you will be given the opportunity to select whether you do, or do not, want The Software to use this information for additional purposes. The Software reserves the right, in its discretion, to send you bulletins and other important information about your The Software services. Absent any instructions from you, The Software may use information you provide to inform you about additional services and products offered by the The Software family of companies, The Software authorized agents, and other goods and services providers with whom The Software has relationships and whose offerings might be of interest to you.
B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:
Omne in generic, The Software colligit aliquot genera automatica informatione. Generic informationem non revelat identitatem visitoris. Id solitus includes information about the Internet address assigned to computer tuum, the numerum and frequentiam visitorum, and The Software locis visited. The Software colligit haec informationem ad limiting propositum determining customer servitium and website necessitates. Nos facio hoc per certain technologias, including “cookies” (a technologia quod can be used ad provide visitori cum tailored information about The Software servitia). The Software non combines informationem collectum in hoc modo cum aliqua personaliter-identificabili informationem. Tu can set browser tuum ad notificare te when tua receive a cookie et tu can recusare illud.
C. Tua The Software creata website, server, tabulae annonariae, forum, Sites tertium:
Information quod tu disclosurus es in publico spatio, includente in quodvis tabula, camera colloquii, vel website The Software potest hospitare pro te ut pars de tuo The Software servitia, est disponibilis ad aliquis alius qui visitat ille spatium. The Software non possit custodire ullam informationem tu disclosurus in istis locis. Insuper, The Software websites continet nexu ad locis quod pertinet ad tertios non coniunctus ad The Software. The Software non potest protegere ullam informationem tu potes disclosurus in istis locis et suadet ut tu revideas declarationes de politica privata illorum locorum tu visitas.
D. Exceptiunile si Limitarile:
Tamen praeter supra et in oboedientia ad leges applicabiles, Software coopere potentissime cum officialibus statalibus, localibus, et federalibus in quavis investigatione spectans ad quavis contentum (includens personales vel privatos communicationes electronicas transmissas ad Software) vel purported actividades illicitas a quovis usor de Servitium, et adsumit measures rationabiles ad protegat suos ius proprietarius. Ad propositos limitatos ad complendo talis cooperationem et measures et in oboedientia ad leges applicabiles, Software potest requirere disclosare personaliter identifiable informationem. Praeterea, Software potest eligere monitorare areas communicationis quavis generis ad satisfacere quavis legem, regulam, vel petitionem gubernamentalim; si talis revelatio est necessarius vel conveniens ad operare Software; vel ad protegat iura vel proprietatem de Software vel alios. In connexione cum potentiali venditione vel transferentia de quavis de suos interestes in Software et Software et aliis locis possedatis a compania, Software servat ius vendere vel transferere tuam informationem (includens, sed non limitatus ad nomen, informationem de aditus, et aliam informationem provisam ad Software) ad tertiae parti que concentretur suum negotium in productis vel servitiis communicationis; consentit esse successor in interesse Software ad maintenance et protectionem informationis collectae et mantenitae per Software; et consentit ad obligationes de hac declaratione politica.